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Media Conference on Family Planning

Media Conference on Family Planning


Media Conference on Family Planning

calendar_today 29 April 2015

9 April 2015, Vientiane – A media conference on family planning in Lao PDR was conducted by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in collaborated with the Ministry of Health (MoH) in 29 April, 2015, at the Landmark Riverside Hotel. The conference was attended by the government officials from MoH, Vientiane Youth Center, and journalists from media agencies.

The conference aims to increase understanding of family planning among the media professionals, as well as collaborate with the media to promote family planning in Lao PDR.

Family planning is about the rights to decide whether to have children or not, when to have them, how many to have, and how often to have them. Studies have shown that investing in family planning helps reduce unintended pregnancies, prevent maternal deaths and pregnancy-related health risks including unsafe abortion. Furthermore, family planning method such as male and female condoms is the most simple, cost-effective and realistic way to prevent sexually transmitted infection including HIV.

Dr Kaisone Chounlamany, Deputy Director of Mother and Child Health Centre, MoH said at the conference: “Family planning does not only benefit health, but also has a positive impact on economic and social development. Women who access to family planning information and services are healthier, better educated and more economically productive. It increases women’s participation both in education and the workforce. ”

According to the Lao Social Indicator Survey (LSIS), the maternal mortality ratio has declined from 650 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1995 to 357 in 2012, and 220 in 2013. But more than 600 women die every year in Lao PDR because of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Most of these maternal deaths can be prevented. Lack of access to family planning is one of the factors causing maternal deaths. According to the survey, 20 percent of women in Lao PDR would like to delay or stop childbearing but are not using any method of contraception, especially in remote areas among young women, women with no education, the poorest women, unmarried women and men, and ethnic groups.

Ms Rizvina De Alwis, UNFPA’s Deputy Representative said: “Family planning helps in birth spacing, it reduces risks during childbirth, improve mothers’ health during pregnancy, and safe delivery. When pregnant women are healthy, it lowers the risks of mortality, and mothers’ health is improved. When mothers are healthy, they are more productive, and their earning power is improved. This strengthens their economic security and well-being and that of their families.”

In the end of the conference, the chairs also mentioned that media plays an important role to promote family planning in Lao PDR, not only for spreading accurate message and information widely to the public through the media outlets, but also helps to ensure that every adult, and young person everywhere, regardless of sex, social status, income, ethnicity, religious or place of residence is empowered to have a choice and decide freely and responsibly about his or her reproductive health choices.

For more information please contact:

Ms. Vanly Lorkuangming – Communication Associate, UNFPA Lao PDR

Phone number: +856 20 99903355

Tel: +856 21 315547, 353048-9

E-mail: lorkuangming@unfpa.org

Website: http://lao.unfpa.org