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International Youth Day 2020 - Youth leading the way in COVID-19 solutions

International Youth Day 2020 - Youth leading the way in COVID-19 solutions

Press Release

International Youth Day 2020 - Youth leading the way in COVID-19 solutions

calendar_today 14 August 2020

youth participants reading the Noi Yakhoo mobile app brochure.

Vientiane, Lao PDR, 14 August 2020 - A youth-led celebration, coordinated by the Lao Youth Union, for this year’s International Youth Day (IYD) in the midst of a global pandemic highlighted education and empowerment for young people and by youth themselves, emphasising how young people are taking action to make a change in their communities.


The theme “Youth Engagement for Global Action” was reflected in the organisation by the Lao Youth Union and support by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Lao PDR. This event highlighted the importance of engaging youth at the local, national, and global levels to enrich national and multilateral institutions and processes. Participants at the event presented ideas on how youth representation and engagement in formal institutional actions can be significantly enhanced, especially to respond to COVID-19.


In Lao PDR, currently adolescents and young people aged 15-35 years represent 62% of the population. They are becoming the great driving force for the dynamic development of our nation.” Said H.E. Mr Alounxay Sounalath, Secretary General of Lao Youth Union. He shared the 5 thematic areas/priorities (Health, Education, Employment, Participation and Protection) that Lao Youth Union recommends be incorporated in 9th National Socio-Economic Development Plan(NSEDP) 2021-2025 and contribute to achieve SDGs.


This pandemic is seriously affecting youth wellbeing, rights and choices. They face loss of opportunities for employment, education and access to essential services, including sexual and reproductive health services. Young women and girls remain particularly vulnerable. UNFPA estimates show that from a baseline 286000, there could be an additional 44,000 to a high of 68,000 more unintended pregnancies among women and girls in Lao PDR due to the COVID-19. This will also increase the maternal deaths in Lao PDR due to COVID-19, 38% of maternal deaths are amongst young women. The school dropout rate is expected to increase by up to 5%.


“Active, engaged youth can make informed decisions that benefit them and their communities to realise the potential of  a demographic dividend in Lao PDR”. Said UNFPA’s Representative, Ms. Mariam A. Khan. The IYD revealed the winners of youth video clip making competitions. A diverse panel of youth from different backgrounds engaged in the panel discussions, with speakers coming from across the country, representing vulnerable groups. The youth shared their motivation and dreams, challenges and willingness to drive change, focusing on dignity, protection and empowerment.


Danien Mouksengtavanh 19 years old  studying at Polytechnic school to become a motorbike repairman, said; "Many people around me don't like this job, but I love it and I chose it by myself, importantly I can earn a living"


Yongkham Viphoukham, 20 years old works as a sewing teacher at LYU's vocational center from the province, she said; "Opportunities are always available, don't give up".



For more information please contact:


Mr. Syvongsay Changpitikoun, Programme Analyst - Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health, UNFPA Lao PDR.

Email: changpitikoun@unfpa.org


UNFPA, the UN's sexual and reproductive health agency, works in over 150 countries including Lao PDR, to achieve zero maternal deaths, zero unmet need for family planning and zero gender-based violence and harmful practices towards women and girls.

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