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NCPD Proceedings Report

NCPD Proceedings Report
NCPD Proceedings Report


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Technical Reports and Document

NCPD Proceedings Report

Publication date

06 March 2024

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This proceedings report covers the 2023 National Conference on Population and Development held in Vientiane, PDR, from 23-24 October 2023. Co-hosted by the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the conference was chaired by His Excellency Professor Dr. Kikeo Khaikhamphithoune, Deputy Prime Minister of Lao PDR and the MPI as the leading ministry. A total of 353 participants (193 and 160 on days one and two respectively, including 51 and 34 women and girls, respectively) were drawn from various line ministries, government and mass organizations, United Nations agencies, diplomatic corps, development partners, civil society organizations, private sector, academia and other international organizations.