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Lao Social Indicator Survey II 2017-18

Lao Social Indicator Survey II 2017-18
Lao Social Indicator Survey II 2017-18


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Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB)


Lao Social Indicator Survey II 2017-18

Publication date

27 June 2018

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The Lao Social Indicator Survey II (LSIS II) was carried out in 2017 by Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB) in collaboration with
Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education and Sport, as part of the Global Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS)
Programme. Technical support was provided by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), with government funding
and financial support of UNICEF and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), European Union (EU), Luxembourg
Government, United States Agency for International (USAID), Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), World Food
Programme (WFP), and United Nations Development Programmes (UNDP), World Health Organisation (WHO) and
Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA). USAID provided technical support for the data collection and
analysis on anaemia.