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Lao PDR MPDSR Situational Analysis

Lao PDR MPDSR Situational Analysis
Lao PDR MPDSR Situational Analysis


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Fact Sheet

Lao PDR MPDSR Situational Analysis

Publication date

15 February 2024

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The report, from which this technical brief is based, was conducted in 2022 with support from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Australia,  as part of the C-Surge Programme Initiative

Key Takeaways:

In terms of data, differences exist between the two sources of data, due to delays in entering on DHIS2. The MDSR Secretariat data are the numbers that are officially used. The recommendation here is to improve DHIS2 data collection to ensure timeliness and accuracy.

In terms of the review committees, although terms of reference exist, it is unclear what responsibilities each have, and some responsibilities might be better suited to take place at the local level, hence there is a need to strengthen the capacity of the provincial review committee in future to ensure that the response plan can be implemented by them.

The review recommended improving the MPDSR system through building capacity of the secretariat, as well as ensuring clear roles and responsibilities at each level, including the provincial level