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3rd Brief: The 5th Population and Housing Census of Lao PDR

 3rd Brief: The 5th Population and Housing Census of Lao PDR
 3rd Brief: The 5th Population and Housing Census of Lao PDR



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Technical Reports and Document

3rd Brief: The 5th Population and Housing Census of Lao PDR

Publication date

19 December 2022

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The Government of Lao PDR has conducted four Population and Housing Censuses (PHCs) since 1985. The last PHC was conducted in March 2015. Census results have provided key statistics on the demo- graphic and socio-economic characteristics of the Lao population. These statistics are essential for the formulation, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), and assessment of national socio-economic develop- ment plans, national population and development policies, and exploring solution strategies to emerging population issues. The country is preparing for the next census to continue tracking popu- lation changes and updating information on the progress towards the implementation of the 9th NSEDP 2021-2025, formulation of the 10th NSEDP 2026-2030, as well as the progress toward the achievement of the ICPD PoA and SDGs.

Up to 107 of the 231 indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals require population data for monitoring, and the census is a key source. The census also provides data on disadvantaged regions and vulnerable groups, such as the poor, the old, people living with disabilities, migrants, and adoles- cents and young girls. Census provides the basis for deriving samples of households for national surveys and the production of granular baseline population data, disaggregated by age and sex for development planning, that are also critical for contingency planning and response to disasters and humanitarian settings.

The Fifth Lao Population and Housing Census is planned for March 2025, with the census’ moment scheduled at midnight between the night of 1st to 2nd March 2025. Although this may seem like a long time in the future, it is not. Population and Housing Census is amongst the Government's largest and most complex peacetime operations, requiring long and meticulous preparation. As such, the Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB), the Ministry of Planning and Investment, in close collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), have been preparing since 2021 for the upcoming census.

A PHC requires multiple technical and financial partnerships. In addition to the Government of Lao and UNFPA. To ensure effective and smooth preparation of the census, USAID has committed support through provision of long-term technical assistance to the census, while the World Bank is also a confirmed partner for the PHC electronic cartography.