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World Population Day 2016

World Population Day 2016

Press Release

World Population Day 2016

calendar_today 11 July 2016

World Population Day "Investing in Adolescent Girls"

Vientiane, 11 July 2016 - World Population Day is celebrated every 11th of July in over 90 countries around the world. The day seeks to focus attention on the urgency and importance of population issues, particularly in the context of overall development.

The theme for this year is "Investing in adolescent girls". Adolescent girls aged 10 - 19 around the world face more and greater challenges than their male counterparts.

A high level forum on “How Investing in Adolescent Girls Today can Ensure Sustainable Development for Lao PDR?” was held at Lao Plaza Hotel, with the participation from line ministries of Planning and Investment, Health and Education and Sport as well as Lao Youth Union and Lao Women Union.

H.E. Dr. Souphanh Keomixay, Minister of Planning and Investment said that: "We need greater investment in adolescent girls across all sectors. Investing in adolescent girls will yield huge returns on investments to Lao PDR."

More than 50% of the total population is under the age of 25 in Lao PDR. A young population structure provides the opportunity for Lao PDR to benefit from a demographic dividend over the coming four decades. “In order to maximize the benefits that bring about by the young population structure, we need to invest in human resources especially in the adolescent and young people of today,” said H.E. Dr. Southanou Thammavong, Secretary General of Lao Youth Union. 

Considerable overall progress was made in education and health in the past decades; however, girls in rural areas and from poor families remain facing various challenges. They are not in school or drop out, they lack information and health services and the girls suffer disadvantages, discrimination and exclusion, merely for being young and being female.

Lao PDR has the earliest age of marriage in the region. One in 10 had been married by age 15.  Early marriage is often associated with early pregnancy. Thus, Lao PDR also has the highest adolescent birth rate in the region, 94 births per 1,000 girls aged 15 – 19.

“We must make adolescent health in particular reproductive health for adolescent girls a priority. The importance is to translate the policy and strategy into action and this requires involvement from many sectors such as education and rural development and not only the health sector,” said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phouthone Mougpak, Minister of Health.

Mr. Kongsy Sengmany, Vice Minister of Education and Sport highlighted the importance of getting all girls in school and keeping the girls in school and the transformative impact education has on girls, their families and their countries.

“The need is to invest in education for adolescents in particular for girls – to provide them with the knowledge, skills and training they need to transition into adults who can strive for their own development and can support their families, communities and the nation,” said Mr. Kongsy Sengmany.

Ms. Frederika Meijer, Representative of UNFPA added that: "When adolescent girls flourish, their families and communities flourish as well. The benefits will go a long way in a girl’s lifetime, and for generations to come. Investing in girls unlocks untapped potential, and breaks the cycle of poverty. It is a smart investment."

In Lao PDR, progress has been registered in putting in place legal and policy framework for protecting the rights of women and girls. It is important now to put greater efforts to translate these frameworks into actions. “Empowering adolescent girls through education, health and protection from all forms of violence and exploitation as well as ensuring their active participation in decision-making is key in achieving the country’s graduation from the Least Developed Country Status,” said Dr. Inlavanh Keobounphanh, President of Lao Women Union.

The success of the new sustainable development agenda depends on how well we support and invest in adolescent girls.


A series of activities is conducted to celebrate the World Population Day Lao PDR, involving the government, development partners, and young people. Evening activities were organized at Chao Anou Park by and for young people, with support from Vientiane Women and Youth Clinic.

A photo contest for adolescents aged between 10 – 19 years has also been launched. The initiative is to hearing their voices on the issue of investing in adolescent girls for sustainable development. For more information, details and criteria of application can be


visited and downloaded from http://lao.unfpa.org and on UNFPA Laos Facebook page.

UNFPA with all their partners will organize many more activities on Investing in adolescent girls during the rest of the year.




For more information please contact:

Ms. Phiengsavanh Thammasith, UN Division, Department of International Cooperation, MPI

Tel: + 856-21-222214

E-mail: un.system.division@gmail.com


Vanly Lorkuangming - Communications Associate, UNFPA Lao PDR

Tel: + 856 21 315547, 353048 - 9

Mobile: + 856 20 99903355

E-mail: lorkuangming@unfpa.org

Website: http://lao.unfpa.org

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