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UNFPA Hackathon! Youth Innovation Challenge- Under The “Me, My Body, My Planet, My Future” Campaign

UNFPA Hackathon! Youth Innovation Challenge- Under The “Me, My Body, My Planet, My Future” Campaign

Press Release

UNFPA Hackathon! Youth Innovation Challenge- Under The “Me, My Body, My Planet, My Future” Campaign

calendar_today 16 December 2022

UNFPA Hackathon! Youth Innovation Challenge- Under The “Me, My Body, My Planet, My Future” Campaign
Young innovators, mentors and judges at Youth Innovation Challenge 2022 / Photo by: sisavath@UNFPALaos

16 December 2022, Vientiane, Lao PDR - UNFPA, in partnership with the Faculty of Education, National University of Laos, Lao People’s Revolutionary Youth Union (LYU) and Global Shapers, brought together young innovators in Lao PDR to present their innovative, impactful implementable ideas and technical solutions for addressing some of the key challenges faced by adolescents and young people in the country.

One of our candidates putting their ideas into key points to pitch ideas and solutions to a panel of judges / Photo by: sisavath@UNFPALaos

The Youth Innovation Challenge 2022 Hackathon was organised to identify and promote the role and voices of youth in shaping solutions for their ecosystem. The activity is in line with the implementation of the Lao Youth and Adolescent Development Strategy 2021-2030 and the Noi ecosystem.

At the event, Mr Vixien Thongthavy, Vice Dean, Faculty of Education, the National University of Laos, said, “the youth innovation challenges provided young people with opportunities, platforms and mentorship to express their creativity and receive guidance to develop those ideas further. NUOL, UNFPA, LYU and Global Shapers will then help winners establish networks with relevant stakeholders in their thematic areas.”

(L) Mariam A. Khan, UNFPA Representative & Mr Vixien Thongthavy, Vice Dean, Faculty of Education, the National University of Laos / Photo by: sisavath@UNFPALaos

Three thematic areas for this challenge were: promoting sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and young people with focus on preventing early and unwanted pregnancies; promoting mental health and wellbeing of adolescents and young people; and addressing climate change. Expert mentors supported teams during the hackathon for refining their ideas. These teams then pitched ideas and solutions to a panel of judges. 

Three most innovative ideas and solutions were awarded with USD 1,000 each. The selection decision by the panel of judges was based on criteria (thematic areas, innovation, implementability, feasibility, cultural appropriateness, impact and reach, scalability and sustainability) and the quality of the pitch during the hackathon.

Mariam A. Khan, UNFPA Representative, said, “Lao youth of today are part of the largest generation of working age people the country will ever have. You can play a central role in finding creative and innovative solutions for addressing the challenges of health , well being and environment ”

Mr Tavanh Phetsaphaivanh, one of the winners of this year's Youth Innovation Challenge
Mr Tavanh Phetsaphaivanh is pitching his project, one of the winners of this year's Youth Innovation Challenge / Photo by: sisavath@UNFPALaos

Mr Tavanh Phetsaphaivanh, one of the winners of this year's Youth Innovation Challenge, shared that “I am so glad to be a part of the Youth Innovation Challenge 2022. I have had this innovative idea for two years, and this is the perfect platform for me to share and make it happen. So stay tuned for what will happen next!”

The Global Shapers Vientiane Hub is leading the energising session with all participants / Photo by: sisavath@UNFPALaos
Group photo of the event
All young innovators, mentors and judges / photo by: sisavath@UNFPALaos

The campaign “Me, My Body, My Planet, My Future” was first launched in 2019 by UNFPA in collaboration with the LYU. The aim is to encourage and engage youth to take action for Sustainable Development Goals. It fosters the linkage between the decisions youth make about their well-being, the protection of the planet and how the decisions impact their future. The prosperous future of young girls and boys is linked to the actions they take to protect their health, well-being, the environment and combat climate change.


UNFPA, the U.N.'s sexual and reproductive health agency, works in over 150 countries, including Lao PDR, to achieve zero maternal deaths, unmet family planning needs, and zero gender-based violence.

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