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Parliamentarians discuss Population and Development issues in Lao PDR

Parliamentarians discuss Population and Development issues in Lao PDR


Parliamentarians discuss Population and Development issues in Lao PDR

calendar_today 30 October 2012

The meeting aimed to strengthen the capacity of NA parliamentarians and parliamentary staff in the areas of Population and Development with specific focus on MDG5 and youth issues as well as to review the implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action (PoA) and familiarize/discuss with line ministries and development partners the way forward beyond 2014.

In 1994, 179 countries, including Lao PDR, met in Cairo, Egypt for the UN International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). The outcome of the conference was a twenty-year Programme of Action with concrete strategies to promote human rights and dignity, support family planning, sexual and reproductive health and rights, advance gender equality, insist on equal access to education for girls, eliminate violence against women, as well as focus on issues relating to population and protecting the environment.

As the programme's twenty year anniversary approaches, the world's nations are getting together again to review the implementation of its programme of action and reaffirm their commitments with the launch of "ICPD Beyond 2014". The LAPPD meeting in Champassak is one of the activities planned as part of this review.

"The ICPD Programme of Action has initiated and contributed to major achievements in all areas of population and development in Lao PDR. Its implementation is crucial to the achievement of MDGs including reducing maternal deaths, improving children and women's health, ensuring gender equality especially in education and employment, and ensuring sustainable development and poverty reduction" said Honourable Professor Doctor Phonethep Pholsena, President of the Social and Cultural Affairs Committee of the National Assembly and President of the LAPPD.

The Meeting served as a platform for parliamentarians discuss and commit to frame a long term strategy to be presented to stakeholders, donors and development agencies to ensure adequate technical and financial support towards achieving MDGs within the principles of ICPD.

During the meeting, Parliamentarians reported on their workplan and activities for 2012-2013 including planning and the way forward to 2013-2015. Members of LAPPD also reported their attendance to international meetings and conferences such as the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development 10th General Assembly in Bangkok, the South Parliamentarians Meeting on Eliminating Violence against Women in Colombo and the 28th Asian Parliamentarians' Meeting on Population and Development in Tokyo.

For further information please contact:
Mr. Diego De La Rosa. Advocacy and Communications Officer, United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA. 
Tel: (+856 21) 315547. Mobile: (+856) 020 7791053, E-mail : drosa@unfpa.org