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The Official Launch of the National Action Plans to Promote Gender Equality and Combat Violence Against Women and Children

The Official Launch of the National Action Plans to Promote Gender Equality and Combat Violence Against Women and Children


The Official Launch of the National Action Plans to Promote Gender Equality and Combat Violence Against Women and Children

calendar_today 17 December 2021

16 December 2021, Vientiane Capital - NCAWMC, with support from UNFPA and UNICEF, today officially launched the Fourth National Plan of Action on Gender Equality (2021-2025), the Second National Plan of Action on Violence against Women and Violence against Children (2021-2025), the 3rd National Plan of Action on Mother and Children (2021-2025), and National Women Development Plan (2021-2025). 

Developed through technical and financial support from UNFPA, funding from Koica and other partners, the government endorsed the National Action Plans in May this year and through October, November,  integrated them into provincial and sectoral plans across 18 provinces. 

HE. Prof. Kikeo Khaikhamphitoun, Deputy Prime Minister, Chairperson of NCAWMC “Gender equality is fundamental to advancing women’s rights and eliminating violence against women and children. In the past, NCAWMC had put in significant effort to research, develop, and implement past National Action Plans and other instruments as references to integrate these plans into sectoral and provincial socio-economic plans. In the next five years, we will continue to implement the new National Action Plans, with a specific focus on creating equal opportunities for women and men in all spheres, investing in human resources development, strengthening law enforcement, and implementing international treaties and instruments on women’s and children’s rights, as well as raising public awareness for behavior change.”

The National Plan of Action on Violence against Women and Children focuses on three core areas to address violence against women and children: prevention, response, and multisectoral coordination. The National Plan of Action on Gender Equality prioritizes women’s health and reproductive health, political participation, economic empowerment, education, employment, and social protection.

Mariam A. Khan, UNFPA Representative for Lao PDR, congratulated NCAWMC for the leadership in preparing and launching these plans. She said, "The Action Plans are timely as COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted  women and girls across all spheres. Implementing these plans to promote gender equality and prevent and respond to violence against women and girls over the next five years will be essential for Laos’ Economic growth and recovery. The plans integrate the Lao Government's commitments to promote gender equality and eliminate GBV, including obligations under CEDAW, the ICPD25 commitments, the Beijing Platform for Action and the SDGs."

Ms. Khan also thanked KOICA, DFAT, UK, SDC, and other partners for their support and partnerships in ending GBV under the umbrella of the Essential Services Package for Women and Girls Subject to Violence (ESP). "The UNFPA and Government of Laos’ 7th Country Program (2022-2026) will scale up GBV prevention and response by rolling out the ESP, implementing the NAPs, and ensuring high-quality services are available to survivors of violence in every province. In addition, existing protection services will be upgraded and new protection shelters will be established to provide social services , including shelter, psychosocial support, medical and legal assistance, essential supplies, and vocational training to survivors of violence” she added. 

Click here to view and download the Fourth-Five Year National Plan of Action on Gender Equality (2021-2025) (Lao).

Click here to view and download the Second-Five Year National Plan of Action on Violence against Women and Violence against Children (2021-2025) (Lao).


UNFPA, the UN's sexual and reproductive health agency, works in over 150 countries including Lao PDR, to achieve zero maternal deaths, zero unmet need for family planning and zero gender-based.


For more information please contact:

Ms. Vilayvanh Bouphanouvong, Deputy Director of NCAWMC

Email: boupphanouvong@gmail.com 

Call: 020 55774475


Ms. Sisouvanh Vorabouth, Programme Gender Analyst, UNFPA Laos

Email: vorabouth@unfpa.org 


Ms. Vanly Lorkuangming, Communications and Partnership Analyst, UNFPA Laos

Email: lorkuangming@unfpa.org 

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