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LSB, UNFPA further strengthening production, dissemination and use of vital statistic data in Lao PDR

LSB, UNFPA further strengthening production, dissemination and use of vital statistic data in Lao PDR


LSB, UNFPA further strengthening production, dissemination and use of vital statistic data in Lao PDR

calendar_today 21 March 2022

17 March 2022, Vientiane Capital - Timely and updated vital statistics data on births, deaths, marriages, divorces is a prerequisite to socio-economic planning and informed decision making. Individuals having their vital events recorded can secure legal identity, enabling them to exercise their civil rights. To harness vital statistics in Laos, the United Nations Population (UNFPA) and the Lao Statistic Bureau (LSB) convened stakeholders for strengthened collaboration in producing updated vital statistics aligned with international standards. The meeting was chaired by Madam Phonsaly SOUKSAVATH, Head of LSB, the co-chair, Ms. Mariam A. KHAN, UNFPA Representative to Lao PDR. 


In her opening remark, Madam Phonsaly SOUKSAVATH, Head of LSB emphasized the importance of vital statistics, “civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) system in Laos is not comprehensive yet. So, there is a need to establish a quality CRVS system aligned with the international standards to fully support planning and decision-making, especially the 9th NSEDP as well as sectoral and provincial plans.


This consultation meeting was a first step taken following the dissemination of the results of the regional situational assessment of national vital statistics commissioned by the UNFPA regional office in Asia Pacific during 2021.  The studies identified gaps and lack of recent vital statistics, which requires capacity building across all levels to timely generate, disseminate, and use vital statistics. UNFPA will work closely with LSB to use the existing data from Census and the Lao Social Indicator Survey (LSIS) as complementary sources to produce a new set of vital statistics. 


The UN Resident Coordinator ai, reiterated the UN’s whole-of-system approach of support to the development of Lao's Civil Registration and Vital Statistics, “the realization of the shared vision to get everyone in the picture will depend on : 1) Universal registration in all the provinces; 2) Full legal documents; and 3) Comprehensive vital statistics based on civil registrations. The United Nations in Lao PDR stands ready to work closely together with different line ministries to implement the comprehensive, multi-sectoral national CRVS strategy 2016 -2025,” she said. 


Civil Registration and Legal identity through registration of Birth, marriage, divorce and death impact governance, health, political representation, social protection, legal identity, and economic inclusion. UNFPA leads the coordination of UN support on CRVS to the Government.  Recently, UNFPA  facilitated the participation of Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB) and concerned ministries in 2nd Ministerial Conference on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) in Asia and the Pacific to mark the mid-point in the Asia-Pacific CRVS Decade (2015 – 2024) and the  shared vision of “getting everyone in the picture”.  


Ms. Mariam A. KHAN, UNFPA Representative to Lao PDR, said “UNFPA takes a life-course approach to civil registration and vital statistics that begins with birth, continues through to death, and includes marriage and divorce; combined with a Population Data Systems Approach to CRVS strengthening. The holistic approach of integrated  population data systems, includes CRVS, household surveys and censuses.” She further added that “this technical cooperation on CRVS work will  inform the preparation of 5th PHC 2025, LSIS III where the gaps are and how we can fill the gaps through upcoming PHC and LSIS III to support the Government to have a better plan and programme to improve the CRVS.




UNFPA, the UN's sexual and reproductive health agency, works in over 150 countries including Lao PDR, to achieve zero maternal deaths, zero unmet need for family planning and zero gender-based violence. 


For more information please contact:


Mr. Phonexay Sithirajvongsa

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, UNFPA Laos



Ms. Vanly Lorkuangming

Communications and Partnerships Analyst, UNFPA Laos
