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Lao youth take on the Me, My Body My Planet, My Future campaign prior to the International Day of the Girl Child

Lao youth take on the Me, My Body My Planet, My Future campaign prior to the International Day of the Girl Child

Press Release

Lao youth take on the Me, My Body My Planet, My Future campaign prior to the International Day of the Girl Child

calendar_today 09 October 2019

9 October 2019, Vientiane Capital – Hundred locals, young people gathered to clean up their neighbourhood and communities. Led by the Ministry of Health, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Plan International, Save the Children, Population Services International (PSI) and other international NGOs, UN agencies as well as local civil society organizations, the activity is part of the International Day of the Girl Child (IDGC) celebrations in Laos, aiming to engage young people, especially young girls to take actions for their health and well-being, as well as the environment.

“Moving from talking to taking actions helps young people take more responsibilities towards the planets’ well-being. It is also in line with the Ministry of Health’s advocacy strategy on 5 practices to raise awareness on dengue. By making our communities cleaner, we, our families will be living happy and healthy, far from the invisible diseases caused by garbage dumping and other behaviours,said Dr. Buakhan Phakhounthong, Deputy Director of Department of Health Care and Rehabilitation, Ministry of Health



The community clean-up took place in Vientiane High School and nearby communities, with young people collecting trash, learning about refuse classification, responsible plastic usage and other ways to save the environment. They also spread the messages to their friends by joining the online campaign Me, My Body, My Planet, My Future, an online campaign led by UNFPA and partners to engage young people to make informed choices and actions on issues matters to them, particularly on health,  environment, gender equality and sustainable development.

Ms. Mariam A. Khan, UNFPA Representative in Laos, emphasized that each young person has a role to play in looking after themselves, their planet and their future. “We must ensure that young people are involved as part of the solutions as they stand central in achieving the 2030 sustainable development agenda”, said Ms. Khan at the event

Representatives from the French Embassy, Vientiane High School, Lycee Francais International de Vientiane, the Ecology project with Swim Laos group also participated in the event, joining hands with young people to act for a better planet.


For more information, please contact:

Ms. Kay amphone Singhalath

Telephone: 021 267 680 Mob: 020 77776597

Email: Singhalath@unfpa.org



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