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calendar_today 26 August 2021

Call for research abstracts for the 6th ARD

Theme: ‘Protection of Adolescent Health and Development in the Context of COVID19’. 

15th October 2021, Vientiane, Lao PDR


The Lao Tropical and Public Health Institute (Lao TPHI) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Lao PDR are pleased to announce the 6th Annual Adolescent Research Day (ARD) to be held in Vientiane on 15th October 2021, supported by the Government of Luxembourg.

The COVID19 pandemic has disrupted adolescent lives and significantly impacted their health, wellbeing and comprehensive development. The 6th ARD will have in-person and virtual oral and poster presentations and panel discussions on the recent research evidences from Lao PDR and countries in the South-East Asia Region. The focus will be on adolescent sexual and reproductive health, mental health, adolescent pregnancy, early marriage, GBV, education, vocational skills and aspirations. 

The overall goal is to share the recent research evidence on adolescents aged 10-19 years for promoting evidence-based advocacy, policies and comprehensive interventions that are vital to achieving the well-being of all adolescents. 

The annual ARD was initiated in 2016 under the ‘Noi Approach’ by the Lao TPHI and UNFPA. Since then, the ARD is held every year. It provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and development partners to share recent research evidence and collaborate on generating new evidence. 

The Organizing Committee of the 6th ARD invites you to submit abstracts of original research recently conducted in Lao PDR and countries in the South-East Asia on the impact of COVID19 on adolescents, evidence of successful responses and recommendations, for oral and/or poster presentation within the following themes: 

Adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights including adolescent pregnancy and family planning

Mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of adolescents 

Gender equality among adolescents and protection from harmful practices such as early marriage and gender based violence. 

Education, vocational skills, aspirations and options


The 6th ARD will provide insights to the challenges faced by adolescents and will suggest the way forward for addressing these issues and challenges along with mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on adolescents and young people, especially adolescent girls. By highlighting challenges and encouraging focused response, recent progress in adolescent health and development can be protected, in turn implementation of the international conference on population and development programme of action will be accelerated and sustainable development goals achieved by 2030


Abstract Submission:

Researchers from Laos and South-East Asia region are requested to submit abstracts of up to 500 words in English including title of abstract, background, methods, results, conclusions/recommendations. Please provide the full names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of all co-authors and indicate who is the corresponding author and who will be the presenter. Please submit your abstract via email to: khampheng.phongluxa@gmail.com; chanthaly3@hotmail.com; s.somphone213@gmail.com 


The abstracts selected by the review committee will be considered for either the limited number of oral presentations or for poster presentations. Authors who submit an abstract should do so with the intention to attend the 6th ARD either in-person or virtually. A limited number of authors of selected abstracts from Lao PDR will receive support for in-person participation in the 6th ARD.  


Important dates: 

Date and venue of the 6th ARD: 15 October 2021, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR (With option of virtual participation) 

The 6th ARD will be organized with hybrid modality where a limited number of participants will attend in-person and others will be able to participate virtually. 


Abstract submission opens: 27th August 2021 

Deadline for abstract submission: 26th September 2021 (5.00 PM Lao Time)

All speakers and presenters of selected abstracts will be informed by 30th September 2021.


Guideline for abstract, PowerPoint and poster presentation

Please include all the following points: Title, Authors & Affiliation, Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, and conclusions/recommendations. 

Abstract (500 words)


Authors & Affiliation

Background (100 words)

Methods (100 words)

Results (200 words)

Conclusions/Recommendations (100 words)

Key words (3-5)

PowerPoint Presentation (10-12 slides): presentation time 15 minutes 

Poster size:    

A0: 810 mm (wide) X 1189 mm (high). 

Please submit poster to the committee before 5th October 2021

The cost for printing of posters will be covered by the presenters.


For more information, please contact:

Dr. Khampheng Phongluxa, LAO TPHI

Email: khampheng.phongluxa@gmail.com; Tel: +856-20-55949082

Dr. Manithong Vonglokham, LAO TPHI

E-mail: manithongv@gmail.com; Tel: +856-20-55695111

Dr. Tej Ram Jat, UNFPA

E-Mail: tejram@unfpa.org; Tel: +856-21-267639